Polished Paper can accommodate any style. We use five standard academic styles: MLA, APA, CSE, CMOS/Turabian, and business. If you would like your document edited using an alternative style, simply provide a link to that style guide. We will take care of the rest! Here’s a closer look at our standard academic styles.
- MLA (Modern Language Association) is typically used for liberal arts- and humanities-based disciplines.
- CSE (Council of Science Editors) is used in many science-based disciplines and by many scientific journals.
- CMOS/Turabian (Chicago Manual of Style) is used by most historical and some science journals.
- APA (American Psychological Association), though originally used only for social and behavioral sciences, has since also been adopted for other disciplines, for example, business and nursing.
- Business editing is used for professional documents and correspondence. It focuses on professional, active, and consistent language and formatting.